The main propose of CDWValue is to boost the construction and demolition waste (CDW) valorisation of by exploring the innovative development of new sustainable products. This includes high-quality recycled aggregate and eco-efficient recycled binder, and their application in new green building products. This initiative is fostered by the development of two competitive research projects financed by the Portuguese Foundation or Science and Technology (FCT) – The EcoHydb and Eco+RCEB.
Today, over 800 million tonnes of CDW are generated per year in Europe. However, despite the high recycling potential, its reuse has been limited to backfilling operations or low-grade building products. A major obstacle is the high heterogeneity of CDW. Therefore, one main objective of CDWValue is to explore clean methods allowing the individualization and effective recovery of CDW constituents. So far, under the CDWvalue initiative it was possible to achieve high-quality recycled sand with low adhered paste and cement waste fraction of high purity.
Another main priority of CDWvalue is the reduction of the large carbon footprint of concrete production through the development of alternative low-carbon binders. The recycled cement recently developed by the CDWvalue research team is an innovative eco-efficient solution that potentially reduces CO2 emissions by over 60% compared to conventional clinker, while contributing to reduce consumption of natural resources and to repurpose of construction and demolition waste.
The purpose is to enhance the CDW value and boost its reuse in new high-quality green building products, simultaneously meeting the standard performance requirements and the stringent EU environmental targets. According to the new CDWvalue philosophy the utopic objective of 100 % recycled and 100 % circular cement-based green building products becomes possible.