May 2024
May 17 - 11 h 30 - 12 h 30 (WEST, Portugal time)
Invited lecture
Eco-Friendly Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks: Enhancing Sustainability with Recycled Cement and Construction Waste
This event, held at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, presents the main activities that have been carried out as part of the ongoing Eco+RECB – “Eco-efficient recycled cement compressed earth blocks”, in partnership with Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidad de Alicante, Universidade da Beira Interior, and “Oficinas do Convento” in Montemor. The lecture discusses the use of recycled cement from waste concrete and construction and demolition waste in the production of more environmentally friendly compressed stabilized earth blocks (CSEB). Some latest findings are presented, contributing to the resurgence of interest and confidence in the use of earth materials, towards a greener and more sustainable construction practice. Participation is free of charge. The flyer of the event can be found here.
September 2022
September 28 @ 15 h 00 - 17 h 00 (WEST, Portugal time)
Eco-Efficient Recycled Cement produced from waste cement-based materials
This webinar, promoted by EcoHydb project, presents the main conclusions of the R&D project “EcoHydB - Eco-efficient hydraulic binders produced from waste cement-based materials“. This webinar covers some of the most relevant advances achieved in the development of a new low-carbon recycled binder, towards the production of highly sustainable green cement-based materials. It will also be an opportunity to discuss the potential of this new binder in the concrete sector and future developments. Participation in this webinar is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. The link for registration is available here.
The program for the event can be found here.